Chivas Extra Manhattan

Chivas Extra Manhattan

The Manhattan drink is one of style. With the Manhattan cocktail’s history tracing back to the 1880s at the Manhattan Club in New York City, it’s fair to say this drink has stood the test of time. A Manhattan cocktail recipe is for those who like their drinks short and strong, with just a few simple ingredients. Our version takes the classic Manhattan cocktail ingredients and has one simple tweak: replacing rye or bourbon whisky with Chivas Extra 13 American Rye Cask. 

50ml Chivas Extra 13 American Rye Cask
25ml sweet vermouth
2 dashes Angostura bitters
1 cherry, to garnish


1. Build drink in rocks glass.
2. Stir with ice.
3. Add more ice so that it’s tight and compact.
4. Finish with garnish.
5. Serve.

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